Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Constructivism And Sociocultural Education Essay - 1838 Words
Pedagogy is from the Greek word pedagogue , it is the study of educational activities. The development of pedagogy is related to the development of education, and many other relevant disciplines such as philosophy and psychology also participate in. There are many genres of education, in this article mainly talk about constructivist and sociocultural. Science piaget put forward constructivism, it has been an important topic of scientists’ research. Constructivism is a theory of knowledge and learning, emphasizing the learner’s initiative that learning is based on the original knowledge and experience to construct the process of understanding, Teachers are no longer the main role for teaching, their role is to encourage students to†¦show more content†¦This article mainly compare teacher’s role and children’s education theory. 1.1The teacher’s role Glasersfeld (1995) claims that the Knowledge needs to be absorbed by ourselves, rather than passively accepted. We need to construct the knowledge and let it becomes a part of ourselves. According to this, students play an important role in learning process, the teacher need to guide students rather than assign the knowledge. Knowledge should be constructed rather than only depend on teachers and textbook, and students need initiative to accept the knowledge rather than force to learn. We also need to achieve the purpose of learning through practice, learn the experience from the changing things and build our own knowledge system (Dewey, 1998). Montessori (1997) also states that that when we solve the problem, we should rely on ourselves, teachers are only the role for regulation. To sum up, constructivism argues that in the process of teaching students role are more important than teachers. Teachers just need to give advice to their students and to inspire and guide them. Social constructivism states that the role of teachers as the designer and executor in the teaching task. With the advancement of education and teaching technology teachers have more teaching tasks in the teaching materials. More teaching tasks and materials seem to bring great convenience to the teaching work, but blindly or mechanically to chose maybe can not achieve the expected teachingShow MoreRelatedSociocultural Approaches And The Construction Of Knowledge1650 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Sociocultural approaches emphasize the interdependence and individual processes in the construction of knowledge†.(John-Steiner,V and Mahn,H 1996).The real understanding of constructivism is only paying much attention on the learners’ previous experience and background knowledge .It maintains that individuals create or construct their own new understandings or knowledge through the interaction of what they already believe and the ideas,events,and activities with which they come into contact.(FacultyRead MoreEssay on The Value of Play1370 Words  | 6 PagesThere are numerous theories of play and countless theorists, from Freud and Spencer to Piaget and Vygotsky, who have studied play in relation to what it is and what it does for the child. 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