Friday, May 22, 2020
Barter System - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1328 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/09/15 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? The Challenges of Barter System And How It Affects the Socio-Economy of a Country Remember back in school when kids would swap juice boxes for chips, or cookies for candy? Even children have an innate sense that the comparable value of cookies to candy is in the eye of the beholder. To the kid who gets cookies every day, the elusive cream-filled cake treat is worth more than a few, and he realizes his friend might feel differently. Trading goods and services without the use of money is called bartering. With the advent of money-based system, barter system has becoming more toward a necessity. However in time of need, this necessity has complicated procedure in order to perform it. Due to economic factor, barter system is impractical and it can become a leading source to economic downpour but however barter system can also become an attractive alternative in economy declination. Historically, bartering activities dated back centuries ago and was quite useful after humans dropped their nomadic ways and settled down to farming and started to live in communities. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Barter System" essay for you Create order It is also traditionally common among people with no access to a cash economy, in societies where no monetary system exists, or in economies suffering from a very unstable currency (as when very high rates of inflation hit) or a lack of currency. In these societies, bartering oftentimes has become a necessary means of survival. Through bartering, people foster bond and relationship and in most cultures, barter system was used before money was created and immensely popular in trading. Explorers, merchants, pilgrims, and traders will bargain for specific items that they want. This occurs frequently in the medieval trade route such as the ancient Silk Route, which led from China to the Mediterranean and the spice trade in the Incense Route (Bellerby, 2008). Goods such as food, spice, cloth, raw material, art craft and others are goods that were bartered on those days. First and foremost, barter system is impractical to perform. Barter system is an economic system that benefits both parties but it required perfect timing and double coincidence of wants. Exchange can take place between two persons only if each possesses the goods which the other wants such as if a weaver needs shoes and he has cloth to offer in exchange he should not only find a cobbler who makes shoes, but find such cobbler who needs cloth and is prepared to give shoes in exchange for it. In this case, it was difficult to find such a person. Not only that, barter system is also impractical because there is no equal trade or medium of exchange into which both seller and buyer could convert their tradable commodities. It is like comparing apples to oranges, but even apples and oranges, with all their differences, are both fruit of relatively equal size and shape†(McGrath, 2008). When people barter, issues related with â€Å"equal trade†arise where it is difficult for people to estimate the true value of the goods. As a society advances, and a much greater volume and diversity of output is produced, bartering becomes more and more complicated and cumbers ome. Calculating the value or cost of each item in terms of every other item becomes difficult. Making the trades becomes difficult. The economic system becomes costly and cumbersome. It does not require the existence of very many items before this happens. Bartering just doesn’t suit the needs of a modern, diversified economy, even though some bartering still goes on in the world today. Besides that, barter system is a leading cause to economic downpour. The most important advantage of bartering, however, is its conservation of cash, which results in greater liquidity. This consequence causes a severe, sudden poverty and dramatic economic collapse preceded by runaway inflation (Agarwal, 2010). These make barter system to be inefficient and only advantageous to monetary system when money cannot hold its value predictably. Under barter system there was no measure of value which the standard value is absent. Even if two persons met together who wanted each other goods, they could not find a satisfactory equilibrium price. Under such conditions one party had to suffer. However, dollar is a stable predictor of value compare to any barter and it used to buy supplies from anybody from anywhere rather than waiting for the double coincidence of wants. Not only that, bartering cannot used as investment tool as most bartered good are easily perish and do not last long while money can be stored and use to invest in share, bond, property and others. The increases of money supply will help to spur economic growth and combat recession while reducing money supply will alleviate risk of inflation (Cloutier, 2010). In term of accounting, dollar is a far better accounting tool. It is easier to put dollars into the balance sheet than nebulous barter points. Businesses will be able to tell more easily with dollars. A business transaction can use dollars anywhere in the US, and nearly anywhere in the world compare to barter system which has limitation. In term of wages, money is used to pay monthly salary instead of bartering monthly income with essential goods. Current income can be used to finance future consumption and purchaser finance a current purchase with future income (Case, Fair and Oster, 2009, pg 157). When Russia’s rubble had that horrible plunge in 1998 people in many areas were forced to resort to the barter system, just as Germans did when the Weimar Marks became more useful as paperweights (bundled together) than money. The barter system is a sign of backwards, poverty, privation and near-total economic failure. Thus, barter system cannot function similarly as monetary system as it can easily cause economic collapse. In contrast with the disadvantage of barter system, this system does benefit people during inflation. Like the saying goes, money is not everything. Inflation can cause a unit of currency to lose value. This mean that 50 cents could buy a bushel of apples last year, it may only buy a single apple this year. These fluctuations can hurt a society, causing stress, uncertainty and disaster to its economy. If things get bad enough, bartering, with all its disadvantages, can become an attractive alternative. This is why people resort to bartering in situations of great poverty or disaster. These happen a lot in country such as Russia, North Korea and India. In country with hyperinflation such as Zimbabwe, barter trade has been common practice to survive as the price of good will increases dramatically year by year and the local currency, Zimbabwe Dollar is rendered useless (Ncube, 2009). According to Malaysia’s commodities minister, Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui (2010), â€Å"Bartering could be used for contracts with other countries that do not have the cash, we can set the conditions for them to supply us with the raw materials that we need. Up-to-date, Malaysia has done many barter agreement with foreign counties such as firearm agreement with Russia (Blagov, 2003), Indian Rail project with India (Bhattacharjee, 2003) and fertilizer and machinery agreement with North Korea, Cuba and Russia (Weisenthal, 2009). Thus, with depreciation of currency, bartering can be a alternative choice for trade and survival. In conclusion, bartering is often a necessity in societie s where the money supply is deficient. No money is changing hands but each part is giving and getting in return. The government should consider barter trade as one of the nstruments to accelerate the country’s export earnings. Going forward, barter trade is indeed set to flourish among companies and countries. The worldwide organised barter exchange and trade industry has grown into a multibillions worth of industry a year and is now used by thousands of businesses and individuals. The advents of the Internet and sophisticated relational database software programs have further advanced the barter industry’s growth. The society should embrace this practice and from time to time, not only people trade but also they can foster a new bond and may this practice continue to flourish in the future.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Antigone Moral Obligation and Civil Disobedience - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1321 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Civil Disobedience Essay Did you like this example? Greek tragedy often teaches moral lessons at the expense of human life and political will. Antigone is the tragic story of the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta of Thebes after the army of Argos vanishes and her brothers have killed each other on opposite sides of the battle. While the Greeks were well-aware of the literary history, the tragedy still provides a historical and modern perspective for one of the oldest questions in society: how does one protest an unjust and cruel law that is contrary to moral obligation? The tragic conflict between Creon, Antigone and Ismene illustrates the struggle between the unjust laws of kings and the Greek gods. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Antigone Moral Obligation and Civil Disobedience" essay for you Create order Creon, as the king, represents the dictator of human laws; Ismene represents the frail human emotion of submission to power; and Antigone illustrates the concept of facing unjust and tragic death without doubting its purpose. Antigone is the quintessential character who risks her life to comply with divine order, familial loyalty and social decency in the face of political power. In the process, her actions demonstrate how to follow ones moral soul to do the right thing.Historically, Greeks held burial of the dead as the most sacred of acts. Honoring the dead and their valor plays a significant role in their literature and mythology. Homer provided examples in the Iliad regarding an agreement and ceasefire during the Trojan War to pay homage to the bodies of fallen soldiers and conduct their funerals with admirable rituals. The extraordinary sense of duty and honor continued centuries later in Greek Theatre. Respect and burial of the dead played a significant role between the democratic city and those who fought for it. Sophocles wrote in an era of democracy, but the laws of the gods were still powerful. The citys and the individuals fate were one in the same and even after death, they would be remembered as honorable men continuing to live in the city. The legend of Oedipus and his children was well-known by all of Greece. The conflict between the brothers seeking to rule was a story that repeats throughout history. Thebes was a divine monarchy under attack. Against this landscape, the stories of Antigone begin after th e armies of Argos has vanished and the two sons of Oedipus, Polynices and Eteocles, have killed each other in war. Each brother believed his actions were just. Sophocles interprets the ancient story with the Chorus, whose role changes throughout the play. The city, represented by the Chorus, is summoned by the new ruler, Creon. Creon thanks the citizens for their loyal service and dictates a proper burial for Eteocles to honor his loyalty as a defender of his city. He then prohibits, under punishment of death, any burial of Polynices as a punishment for his treason. The city is aware this law is an assault on their religious laws, but ultimately, they submit to Creons law and are convinced that no one would sacrifice their own life to violate it.In the first scene, Antigone asks her sister, Ismene, to help her bury her brother Polynices. When she sees that Ismene does not have her convictions, Antigone argues that her family has suffered enough. She explains that her father, died in hatred for his actions killing his father and marrying his mother. Then his mother hung herself and their brothers killed each other in war. Ismene can only see the authority of the King and refuses to help Antigone. Antigone challenges Ismene to be a true sister instead of a traditional female who obeys male guardians, especially the king. (Moral and Civil Disobedience. PowerPoint). Antigones purpose is to inject morality into the conflict. Rejected by her sister, Antigone acts with her conscience and buries her brother. She felt it was morally wrong to leave her brother without a proper burial. The rituals did not change the outcome of the battle or dishonor the City. Thus, Antigones rituals with Polynices body in no way harmed anyone. She accepts the consequences of defying the king and the risk to her life. Antigone followed natural law over political law.Creon believes his rules must be obeyed, even if those rules are against the gods he is the almighty ruler and his rule over every man transcends natural law. Creon is arrogant and his power and excessive pride does not allow him to see beyond his own political will. He described his power to his son,you ought to feel within your heart, subordinate to your fathers will in every way. (Fagles, 202). Creon was fully aware of the natural law and custom of burial when he issued his order. He believed he was justified when he determined that Polynices should not be buried , as an appropriate punishment. He does not consider the moral consequences of his decision because he believes his authority is unquestioned among men. Creon believed disobeying his orders carried grave consequences. This belief combined with his excessive pride and paranoia led him to view and act at the extremes. Whomever the gods placed on the throne should be obeyed, no matter how small the matter. He judges as a male chauvinist, imploring his followers to never lose your sense of judgment over a woman (Fagles, 203).never let some woman triumph over us. Better to fall from power, if fall we must, in the hands of a man never be rated inferior to a woman, never. (Fagles, 205-206). When Creon finds out Antigone has disobeyed her, he orders her death. No mortal, especially a woman, has the power to disobey him. While her actions were to follow natural law, Antigones decision to contradict political law conforms to the idea of civil disobedience. To further the basic definition of Civil Disobedience: The main elements of Civil Disobedience include a non-violent protest of unjust actions or laws. (Jones, lecture Antigone). In the play, Antigone followed her personal beliefs to defy state authority because she believed she was following a higher authority. She was not protesting the law to challenge Creons law, she was performing her moral obligation to a higher authority. She accepted the consequences because she believed no mortal had the power to contradict divine laws. Thebes response to her actions is the same goal of any civil disobedience: to question the justness of the law. The tragedy was that Creon could punish her with death, but that he was still powerless to overcome natural law and custom. Antigone takes a position against the political rules and against the state, positioning t he natural law of burial for everyone versus the political law of burying everyone but Polynices. Thebes sides with Creons law, not because they believe, but out of fear of death. Antigones actions lead the city to question that fear with their beliefs.Creon is confronted by his human failure to appreciate divine authority. After Creon sentences Antigone to death, blind prophet confronts him and foreshadows the folly of his acts. Creon realizes his mistake but is too late to save Antigone or his son. This is the triumph of natural law over his political decree. Pious Antigone loses her life but wins a moral victory against Creon. Creon tragically loses his son, his wife and his moral authority in the process. Creons political strength is undermined by his second-guessing, lack of leadership, and ultimately his failure to act. In traditional Greek Society during the Classical Age, women are shown to be submissive in political life. Sophocles Antigone takes on what were traditional male characteristics of strength, leadership and conviction under moral authority. This portrayal was unique during this period of history. Antigone is a strong woman who went beyond death by a tyrant to do what her heart dictated, that is, follow the ethical and moral laws that go beyond human beings. Because she never gave in, she remains true to her beliefs actively chooses to act in a way that guarantees her death.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Identity and Belonging †Change Can Be Easy or Hard †Reference to Summer of the Seventeenth Doll Free Essays
Throughout your life the process of ageing is constantly influencing your identity. As William Shakespeare wrote â€Å"All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Our identity is forever changing and this is because we are forever ageing. We will write a custom essay sample on Identity and Belonging – Change Can Be Easy or Hard – Reference to Summer of the Seventeenth Doll or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout out the three main stages of ageing – youth, middle age, elderly- we don’t just age physically, we age physiologically as well. Hence as we age we mature, become wiser and more aware of the world around us. As of this our views change from each stage of life, thus inflicting our identity to change. Although some people find this transition from one stage of life to the next to be difficult and dread upon its occurrences whereas others enjoy ageing and just take it as it comes. As a baby we have our identity created for us, they say â€Å"give me the boy at seven and I will give you the man†implying that until the age of seven a child is dependent on their very first social unit, that is family. It is the multiplicity and complexity of family that gives children real life experiences into human relationships and what teaches them morals and values which will always be a part of their identity, although as you age, and mature you become less dependent on your family and are able to venture out into the world. This usually happens around the age of adolescence. This is a time when adolescences have the world at their feet and they are â€Å"servants to their own dreams†. Many people enjoy this part of growing up as their bodies are at the peak, meaning they are able to push them to do whatever they want. They are less susceptible to illnesses and less likely to damage themselves; when they do the body’s ability to repair at that age is remarkable. Not only are they at the physically peak of their lives, they are usually at the social peak. Their social networks at this age are usually highly complex and turning 18 opens the doors to a once prohibited world full of new adventures and experiences, such as going clubbing, driving and being classed as an adult. However many adolescence’ find it hard to transition to adulthood as they no longer have the burdens of high school pressures and friends. This also creates problems for people who only have social networks that they have from school meaning when school is over they need to adapt to a new environment and become independent. This can be emotional and daunting for many youth. Middle age is a crisis for many people both men and women. It is a time when they have left the excitement and potential of their youth, instead they reflect back on where they have come from and often look with dread towards their older years, in Ray Lawyers Summer Of The Seventeenth Doll this period of time effects many characters negatively as they cannot accept they are aging and thus see change as a daunting factor. Roo, the ganger of a team of cane cutters, realises he is ageing when his back gives way and he is forced to step down as top dog. Since he was young he had been a cane cutter, that was his identity but because of his ageing body, his identity will change as he can no longer be a cane cutter, this not only affects Roo but also Olive. Olive has been in the group since it started seventeen summers ago and is reflecting on her life so far, remembering the times when Roo and Barney would come down South to see her and Nancy during the layoff. However since Nancy has left the group to go get married, Olive realises that she is turning 40 soon and is still clinging to her glory days. In order to keep her â€Å"youth†she has decorated the lounge room with the keepsake dolls to testify her persistence on keeping the group together and displaying her symbols of youth. With Olives obsession of keeping the group together revels a woman who cannot accept that she is getting older and who can adjust to the new era in her identity. For olive, the change of getting older is not physically but more physiological as she sees this change as losing her youth. Although middle age is not always negative for everyone. Although Nancy is the catalyst for the group’s breakdown, she realises that she can no longer act like a youth, as she did with Olive and the group and as such has accepted the fact that she is getting older, hence why she abandoned her friends to settle down and get married to start the next chapter in her life. Although many people believe it’s the best years of life as it is the only â€Å"time you really live as the young are slaves to dreams; the old are servants of regrets. Only the middle aged have all their 5 senses in the keeping of their wits. †The last period of life that has been categorised as â€Å"old age†and is now considered to be after 65. Some people choose to accept old age as a positive as they have lived their lives and are now in retirement. Many elderly people see being able to retire as being able to act like they are young again as they have completed the majority of lives responsibilities, such as rearing children and working for a living, this gives many the opportunity to travel and do what they desire but at a cost. Having lived for such a long time has taken a physical toll on the body, it is weaker and more frail then that of a youthful person, hence why some older people see old age as a negative. They feel as though they are stuck inside an â€Å"old carcass†and believe that â€Å"nature is cruel; tis jest to make old age look like a fool; (because) the body crumbles, grace and vigour depart†No matter what age you are there will always be a positive and a negative but regardless of this, age will always influence your identity as it changes your thoughts as you become wiser and more knowledgeable about the world around you. Throughout each age group you will have new realisations about the environment you live in and this will cause a physiological or physiological a change which influences your identity. How to cite Identity and Belonging – Change Can Be Easy or Hard – Reference to Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, Papers
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